Angelika is an amazing Breath Coach and healing channel. Her compassionate and grounded energy made me safe and comfortable from the first session. I also appreciate the breadth of her training which includes several modalities. Angelika is clearly doing the......
I am an energy healer and because I have the ability to see beyond I’m very specific in choosing a bodyworker when I need one. Angelika Alexander is a beautiful soul and is extremely gifted. She has amazing technical skills and......
I was lucky to cross paths with Angelika as I was spiritually and energetically priming to prepare for conception. A single private breath session with her allowed me to breathe through blocks to immense aliveness, attaining clear inner direction and......
I am a very curious person and deeply interested in human behavior — what makes us suffer and why and what makes us happy. But I’ve found that the intellectual level falls dramatically short against the experiential level in the......
Tra le varie tecniche di respiro consapevole che ho sperimentato in questi anni, il transformational breath è stata per me la più profonda esperienza di crescita, amore e connessione. Ringrazio di cuore Angelika perché con lei ho avuto il coraggio......
I was introduced to Angelika through a person who emotionally destroyed my heart. I was so broken, incapable of eating and sleeping, and I had no coping mechanism left. Angelika received me with open arms, and with great faith in......
Angelika's treatments really changed my life in all aspects: physical, mental and emotional. It was truly transformational for me and my family. My experience with Angelika, and her guidance through this amazing change, has left such a beautiful impression on me.......
Ho vissuto l'esperienza del respiro guidata da Angelika per due volte, la prima in gruppo e la seconda individuale. In entrambi i casi è stata un'esperienza forte, ho provato sensazioni molto intense nel corpo mentre la mente si liberava da......
I am a skeptic but am also open minded and willing to try new things. I have explored almost every means of finding out how to “feel better,” meaning to have more energy, be happier, be more clear and focused,......