

Thank you so much Angelika! Myofascial Release Therapy has been a huge help to me and has greatly improved my overall well-being. I've never been one to frequent a chiropractor or to get massages and I'm generally very cautious about where......

blank-avatar.jpg Kyle Ryan

I highly recommend Angelika's expert and professional treatments. Over many months, I have experienced several positive benefits with myofascial release therapy and the transformational breath. Angelika's understanding of the mind & body connection are rooted in her many years of education......

blank-avatar.jpg Nancy Cilinder

Whether you want a relaxing, therapeutic treatment or energy work, Angelika is the best in North San Diego County......

blank-avatar.jpg Alex Woodard

Angelika is an amazing Breath Coach and healing channel. Her compassionate and grounded energy made me safe and comfortable from the first session. I also appreciate the breadth of her training which includes several modalities. Angelika is clearly doing the......

blank-avatar.jpg Elizabeth Blount

I am an energy healer and because I have the ability to see beyond I’m very specific in choosing a bodyworker when I need one. Angelika Alexander is a beautiful soul and is extremely gifted. She has amazing technical skills and......

blank-avatar.jpg Catherine Brando

I was lucky to cross paths with Angelika as I was spiritually and energetically priming to prepare for conception. A single private breath session with her allowed me to breathe through blocks to immense aliveness, attaining clear inner direction and......

blank-avatar.jpg Sinem I.

I am a very curious person and deeply interested in human behavior — what makes us suffer and why and what makes us happy. But I’ve found that the intellectual level falls dramatically short against the experiential level in the......

blank-avatar.jpg Michael Antonorsi

Tra le varie tecniche di respiro consapevole che ho sperimentato in questi anni, il transformational breath è stata per me la più profonda esperienza di crescita, amore e connessione. Ringrazio di cuore Angelika perché con lei ho avuto il coraggio......

blank-avatar.jpg Sara Burri

I was introduced to Angelika through a person who emotionally destroyed my heart. I was so broken, incapable of eating and sleeping, and I had no coping mechanism left. Angelika received me with open arms, and with great faith in......

blank-avatar.jpg Jessica Pound